英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 19:28:06
  • 英英释义

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1. the branch of geology studying the folding and faulting of the earth's crust

Synonym: tectonicsplate tectonic theory

1. 板块构造:板块构造(Plate tectonics)学说的确立是20世纪地球科学划时代的事件,它不仅使得地球科学从分门别类资料搜集、零星式描述性研究转变成为系统阐述和探索机理的全球地质学理论阶段,也使得地质学形成了多个跨学科领域的研究方向,

2. 板块构造学:盘古大陆的分裂现以板块构造学(plate tectonics)加以解释. 此理论认为地球的外壳(或岩石圈)是由一些相对移动,并在其边缘发生分裂、辐合或彼此滑移的大而坚硬的板块所构成. 盘古大陆在某一分离的板块边界处裂开,并在大陆下方发展成裂缝.

3. plate tectonics的解释

3. 板块构造学说:板块构造学说(Plate tectonics)是在大陆漂移学说和海底扩张学说的基础上提出的. 板块构造,又叫全球大地构造. 所谓板块指的是岩石圈板块,包括整个地壳和莫霍面以下的上地幔顶部,也就是说地壳和软流圈以上的地幔顶部. 新全球构造理论认为,

4. 板塊運動:就像水星(Mercury) 和月球一样,火星现在缺乏活跃的 板块运动(plate tectonics), 而且火星的地表也没有近代水平移动的证据(像是在 地球上很普遍的褶皱山脉).

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  • 临近词

What does the theory of plate tectonics maintain?(这板块构造学说的理论讲些什么?)
Photo Gallery: Plate Tectonics an eelpout fish swims near tube worms at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the Atlantic Ocean.(板块构造图片美术馆。一条粘鱼类游近管蠕虫在中大西洋山脊在大西洋。)
Plate tectonics explores primarily the motion of lithospheric blocks and belongs to the category of dynamic geotectonics.(板块构造学主要在于探索岩石田块体的运动,属于动力大地构造学范畴。)
Signs of compression in the planet's plate tectonics even suggest that cooling has actually caused it to shrink over time.(行星的盘状构造的压缩标志甚至暗示,冷却已经导致它随着时间在收缩。)
Plate tectonics is now almost universally accepted.(如今板块构造几乎被普遍接受。)
There is a considerable overlap between Wegener's concepts and the later widely embraced plate tectonics theory.(魏格纳的概念与后来被广泛接受的板块构造理论之间有相当大的重叠。)
With the ocean lost, Venus could not kick-start plate tectonics.(随着海洋的消失,金星可能再也不能进行板块重组了。)
The tectonic magmatism suggests that the plate tectonics had operated in the north margin of Songnen Massif in the Neoproterozoic.(这一构造-岩浆作用暗示着松嫩地块北缘在新元古代板块构造体制就开始运行。)
Earth's internal heat, fueled by radioactivity, provides the energy for plate tectonics and continental drift, mountain building, and earthquakes.(地球内部因放射而产生的热量为板块运动、大陆漂移、造山运动和地震提供了能量。)
It is divided into four major sections: Plate Tectonics, Earthquakes, GPS, and Space Technology at Work.(它被分为四个主要的部分:板块构造学,地震,全球定位系统和起作用的空间技术。)
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